Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Hi, my name is Liz Harlan.
I live at home with my husband, Rick, and two girls, Josie (20) and Cara (19). Cara is my special needs kiddo with significant autism. Significant enough that when she turned 18 in the summer of 2021, Rick and I obtained legal guardianship of her.
Interestingly, in June of 2022, at the age of 50, I received a diagnosis of ADHD (hyperactive/impulsive type) and autism. In a way, I am relieved. So many things in my life make sense now.
I am a writer. A writer of this blog. A writer of a novel in progress. A writer of a children's picture book in progress.
I love hobbies. I collect hobbies. I need a bigger house for all my hobbies. Currently, sewing, crochet, drawing, and photography are the big ones. They change on a semi-regular basis as I bounce from hobby to hobby - or even find a new hobby. Things like let's learn how to do tatting. Or maybe let's learn how to do Zentangle. Oh, and this jewelry making set looks interesting.
I also collect Legos. There are completed sets all over my house. I have run out of shelf space, but not Lego sets to build. I am considering taking some apart and building new ones. Although, the Star Wars ones will not be taken apart.
Above all of this, though, is my love for my Lord Jesus. And that is why I am here. I want to share my dear Jesus with others. I want others to see His saving grace and to see His light shining in their lives. I want to support others in their faith journeys. We are all beloved children of God and members of His family.