Take Time to Pray
Psalm 119:145-147
145 I call with all my heart; answer me, O LORD;
and I will obey Your decrees.
146 I call out to You; save me
and I will keep Your statutes.
147 I rise before dawn and cry for help;
I have put my hope in Your Word.
Offer right sacrifices
and trust in the Lord.
Context: So much packed into two short lines. The Israelites were to bring a tithe - 10% of their firstfruits. And they were to have a "right" heart - a grateful, trusting heart. A joyful heart offering God some of what He blessed them with.
Instead, some Israelites did not bring their firstfruits - they brought what was leftover - not trusting God to take care of them if they brought Him 10% first. Some didn't bring their very best - bringing animals with blemishes - thinking God wouldn't notice. Or their heart was in the wrong place - giving without gratitude, giving only because they had to - without joy.
What are our offerings today? What is our attitude?
God sees our hearts.
God cannot be fooled.
God sees our inner thoughts.
God must be trusted.
We are to give our very best to God in all we do.
We are to trust in God and give generously from that trust.
Our sacrifices are between us and God - no shouting "Look what I did for God."
Our sacrifices should be given with a joyful, thankful heart.
Our sacrifices, being sacrifices, will cost us something.
What can I sacrifice to God, other than money?
What can I do today?
Time, talents, service
Prayer, this devotion, begin work on cards (scrapbooking.com - Cards for Kindness)