Take Time to Pray
Psalm 17:1-2
1 Hear, O LORD, my righteous plea;
listen to my cry.
Give ear to my prayer -
it does not come from deceitful lips.
2 May my vindication come from you;
may Your eyes see what is right.
12 But man, despite his riches, does not endure;
he is like the beasts* that perish.
13 This is the fate of those who trust in themselves,
and of their followers, who approve their sayings.
*The big difference between beasts and humans is that beasts have no soul and do not go to Heaven, whereas humans have a soul that goes to Heaven or hell. Seems if you die like a beast, your destination isn't Heaven.
v. 13 Sounds like false prophets and their followers.
God doesn't care about earthly wealth.
God demands our whole being to be dedicated to Him.
God wants us to listen to His Word.
God wants us to trust in Him.
Be careful who you are listening to. Test everything against the Word of God.
Do not trust in earthly wealth.
Who am I listening to?
What am I trusting in?
Dear Lord,
Today, let me listen for Your voice in all that I do and wherever I go. When faced with decisions, help me to see the correct path to take. Remain close to me, Lord, because I need you every hour. In Jesus' name I pray.
(Completed using TEND method - marieldavenport.com)